Payment Standards

Lakeland Housing Authority’s Payment Standard equal 110% of Current Year Fair Market Rents
Definition of Payment Standard 24 CFR 982.4
Payment standard. The maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the total tenant payment by the family).
Use of the Payment Standard 24 CFR 982.505
- A payment standard is used to calculate the monthly housing assistance payment (HAP) for the family.
The payment standard for the family is the lower of:
- The payment standard amount for the family unit (voucher) size
- The payment standard amount for the size of the dwelling unit rented by the family
Payment Standards
Effective Date: 10/1/2023-
Zero (0):$1,106
One (1):$1,113
Two (2):$1,375
Three (3):$1,846
Four (4):$2,333
Five (5):$2,682
Six (6):$0