Agency New Business Opportunity: Invitation for Bids No: Ifb2023 Lha01 Westlake Phase 3 Demolition at 615 Navy Drive, Lakeland, Florida

Please Note:
The Invitation for Bid (IFB) was revised to remove abatement from the scope of work. Abatement of the site will be addressed via a separate IFB and contract. If abatement of the site cannot be completed in time for the bidder with the lowest and most responsive bid to mobilize within 90 calendar days of execution of the demolition contract, the Housing Authority of the City of Lakeland, Florida (LHA) will negotiate an amendment to the contract for a delay in start.
The IFB has also been revised to add removal of all contents that are remaining within the residential units. Specifically, the bidder with the lowest and most responsive bid will be responsible for hauling off and disposing of the contents. The bidder with the lowest and most responsive bid will also be responsible for removal and disposal of the tires and satellite dishes.
Emailed Questions:
1. Is the existing asphalt paved parking area to be removed?
As outlined by Sheet No 04 Demolition Plan from Boggs Engineering, LLC dated March 14, 2023, the existing asphalt paved parking area is not to be removed.
2. Are the sidewalks in the property included in the demolition plan?
Please refer to the sitemap notes. Yes, per the instructions as outlined by Sheet No 04 Demolition Plan from Boggs Engineering, LLC dated March 14, 2023.
3. Should we include the electrical posts in our price?
Please refer to the sitemap notes. Yes, follow the instructions as outlined by Boggs Engineering, LLC via Sheet No 04 Demolition Plan dated March 14, 2023.
4. What is the width of the concrete slab under the buildings?
Please refer to the notes provided within Sheet No 04 Demolition Plan dated March 14, 2023.
5. Is any septic tank in this property to be removed?
Please refer to the notes provided on Sheet No 04 Demolition Plan dated March 14, 2023.
There are no modifications or addendum to the above-referenced Invitation for Bids.
Thank you
Visit Contracting and Procurement Center for more information
Requisition Details: Invitations for Bid